Soufflés have a reputation for being temperamental, but they're actually very simple. They get their signature height from stiffly beaten egg whites....
Homemade salad dressing elevated the simplest of salads. Try French dressing on mixed greens, sliced vegetables, such as tomatoes and cucumbers, or drizzled...
Traditional lasagna goes vegetarian when you substitute the meat for vegetables like spinach and zucchini. Layer this spinach lasagna with 3 types of cheese...
These simple gnocchi are made from russet potatoes, flour, and egg. Serve them tossed with butter as a side dish or with a more substantial sauce for a...
A traditional Pennsylvania Dutch dessert, these apple pastries are spiced with cinnamon and studded with raisins. Martha made this recipe on episode 708...
This luscious casserole is a twist on traditional creamed vegetable dishes. Shredded cabbage and lemon zest bring texture and tang to the table, while...
Busy times call for easy desserts that have a sweet simplicity, like these flaky apple-cinnamon pastries. For our streamlined strudel, we folded convenient...
You'll need twelve cream-horn molds or four-inch wooden cake dowels to make these horns. For a delicious alternative, add almond extract, raspberry puree,...
This one-pan dinner brings together chickpeas, marinara sauce, and mozzarella in a single skillet, then tops it off with wedges of roasted broccoli florets....
Sautéed until tender, these porcini mushrooms will retain their bold personality and produce mega mushroom flavor. In a rich butter-and-garlic sauce mingling...
You don't have to wake up extra-early to bake something from scratch for breakfast -- even on weekday mornings. With a batch of this versatile baking mix...
Do not attempt to cut the amounts in the recipe in half. Instead, dry any extra noodles completely, wrap them tightly in plastic, and store at cool room...
Wasabi, also known as Japanese horseradish, is a traditional condiment for sushi and sashimi, and the optimal topper to our Sushi Cake. This pungent mayonnaise...
Refrigerate the dressing base in an airtight container, up to 2 weeks, before adding mix-ins. For a lower-fat version, replace the sour cream with low-fat...
Leaves ofSwiss chard, blancheduntil pliable and vibrant,make wrappers for parcels of a brown-rice filling enriched with ricotta;spoonfuls offresh tomato...
Best served warm, these fragrant, golden Apple Fritters are by turns tender, crisp, and fruity. A simpler (no-yeast) alternative to sufganiyot-the traditional...
This quick sauce does an excellent job of tying the components of this pork chop dinner together. It's also excellent over mixed greens, or tossed with...
A bright side dish featuring spring seasonal produce like carrots and snap peas will perk up any Easter dinner table or buffet. The fact that it can serve...
Gnocchi should be made in one continuous process: cook the potatoes, make the dough, form the gnocchi. For more gnocchi serving suggestions, see our Gnocchi...
The hidden surprise of melted cheese inside the crispy breaded mushroom pattie takes this vegetarian burger to new levels, as does a special mayonnaise...
Sweet and tender Golden Delicious apples mingle with cinnamon, raisins, and walnuts in this traditional Austrian dessert. Martha and Nick Malgieri made...
Specially made for Hanukkah, latkes are potato pancakes that are fried in oil in recognition of the ancient lamps that held only enough oil for one day...
In the traditional baklava, nuts are layered between buttered paper-thin sheets of phyllo. Instead, to save time, we rolled up the sheets and cut them...